Connie Armstrong

Connie youth, beauty, and popularity in her hometown of Lapeer, Michigan. She works hard, but she plays hard as well, and her continuous binge-drinking steers her life through complicated twists and turns.

One Term

In this fourth installment of Nathan Aguinaga’s memoirs, hee addresses the growing political divide in the United States of America.

Wake Up, You're Having Another Nightmare

These are the personal experiences of the author and his wife in dealing with the post-traumatic stress disorder that he was diagnosed with while he served his last year of a twenty-year career in the US Army. 

Roster Number Five-Zero

Welcome to the toughest combat leadership course in the military—US Army Ranger School. You will learn of the daily hardships, challenges, and accomplishments of planning, moving, and executing combat missions at small unit levels.

Welcome to the US Army Ranger School

The time spent in this school is under the harshest conditions of terrain, weather, starvation, and sleep deprivation. Here, you will learn what the human body can truly endure.


The year is 1994, and a young soldier has arrived to the 82nd Airborne Division for the first time. He understands that the Division is a prestigious and tough unit to be assigned to. What he doesn’t understand is that the Division moves at 100 mph, and maintains this speed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Welcome to the Division

“The Division” is the only airborne division size element (approximately 25,000 paratroopers) remaining in the U.S. Army today. It is one of the toughest, most relentless, rapid deployment units in the United States Army.

A hilarious, unfiltered account

“Oh, &#%! no, mother*&#%! Your #$@&%* #%$ is jumping!”
Nathan Aguinaga doesn’t hold back in his inside-look at his 11-year stint inside the toughest army unit to be assigned to.

Meet the Author

Nathan Aguinaga is a retired Master Sergeant who served 20 years Active Duty in the U.S. Army. He served as a Light Infantryman with additional skill identifiers as Airborne, Ranger, Jumpmaster, and Drill Sergeant. During his 20 years of service, Nathan has served three combat deployments to the Middle East which include Operation Desert Storm and two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Throughout his 20 years in the Army, Nathan’s permanent duty stations included Fort Lewis, Washington, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Riley, Kansas, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, three tours at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and two oversees stations in Germany and Korea.

Read the Reviews

Colonel John Schwemmer, US Army

"An extremely remarkable book created with fearlessness, strength, honesty and every other ingredient that phenomenal soldiers are made of."

Colonel John Schwemmer, US Army

Nathan Aguinaga

Colonel John Schwemmer, US Army

"An extremely remarkable book created with fearlessness, strength, honesty and every other ingredient that phenomenal soldiers are made of."

Sergeant Major (Retired) Marvin Gardner, US Army

“Nate has done it again. I graduated Ranger School four days before jumping into Panama in Dec ’89, and I felt like we were in the same class. As I read the book, I was thrust back in time and felt the experience all over again. I laughed, smiled and even cursed out loud. . . . Rangers Lead the Way!”

Sergeant Major (Retired) Marvin Gardner, US Army

Nathan Aguinaga

Sergeant Major (Retired) Marvin Gardner, US Army

“Nate has done it again. I graduated Ranger School four days before jumping into Panama in Dec ’89, and I felt like we were in the same class. As I read the book, I was thrust back in time and felt the experience all over again. I laughed, smiled and even cursed out loud. . . . Rangers Lead the Way!”

Brandon D. Mosley

“A behind-the-scenes look at what life in an elite combat unit looks like. Great read written by a great American!”

Brandon D. Mosley, Biotech & Life Sciences Executive, former US Army Infantry

Nathan Aguinaga

Brandon D. Mosley, Biotech & Life Sciences Executive, former US Army Infantry

“A behind-the-scenes look at what life in an elite combat unit looks like. Great read written by a great American!”

Nathan Pinson

“If you want an inside look at one of the craziest lifestyles in the world, get this book . . . guaranteed to entertain!”

Nathan Pinson, Commercial Real Estate Broker, Realty Austin and Former US Army Forward Observer

Nathan Aguinaga

Nathan Pinson, Commercial Real Estate Broker, Realty Austin and Former US Army Forward Observer

“If you want an inside look at one of the craziest lifestyles in the world, get this book . . . guaranteed to entertain!”

Major Roberto Lainez, US Army

“Nate’s story takes you through the emotional spectrum of excitement, fear, disappointment, and finally exhilaration of becoming a US Army Ranger School graduate. Many service members volunteer, and with determination and luck, a select group earns the privilege and burden of becoming Ranger qualified.”

Major Roberto Lainez, US Army

Nathan Aguinaga

Major Roberto Lainez, US Army

“Nate’s story takes you through the emotional spectrum of excitement, fear, disappointment, and finally exhilaration of becoming a US Army Ranger School graduate. Many service members volunteer, and with determination and luck, a select group earns the privilege and burden of becoming Ranger qualified.”

Rob Campbell

“Those who serve in the ranks of the 82nd Airborne never forget their time there. It’s hard, demanding duty, calling for only the toughest of soldiers. ‘Augi’ does a superb job taking the reader through life in the ‘Division.’ In classic NCO fashion, it’s raw and unvarnished, the way it should be. A wonderful read. Airborne!”

Colonel (Retired) Rob Campbell, Author of It’s Personal, Not Personnel, Leadership Lessons for the Battlefield and the Boardroom

Nathan Aguinaga

Colonel (Retired) Rob Campbell, Author of It’s Personal, Not Personnel, Leadership Lessons for the Battlefield and the Boardroom

“Those who serve in the ranks of the 82nd Airborne never forget their time there. It’s hard, demanding duty, calling for only the toughest of soldiers. ‘Augi’ does a superb job taking the reader through life in the ‘Division.’ In classic NCO fashion, it’s raw and unvarnished, the way it should be. A wonderful read. Airborne!”

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Jeff Robertson, US Army, Ranger Class 01-96

“A follow-up to Division, this is a must read for anyone aspiring to better understand what it takes to graduate from one of the Army’s most demanding leadership courses. In Roster Number Five-Zero, Nate provides an honest, unvarnished perspective of how Ranger School’s grueling hardships forge soldiers into the Army’s finest leaders and prepare them for the rigors of combat.”

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Jeff Robertson, US Army, Ranger Class 01-96

Nathan Aguinaga

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Jeff Robertson, US Army, Ranger Class 01-96

“A follow-up to Division, this is a must read for anyone aspiring to better understand what it takes to graduate from one of the Army’s most demanding leadership courses. In Roster Number Five-Zero, Nate provides an honest, unvarnished perspective of how Ranger School’s grueling hardships forge soldiers into the Army’s finest leaders and prepare them for the rigors of combat.”
Nathan Aguinaga